An anal fistula is an abnormal tunnel or connection that forms between the epithelial lining of the anal canal and the skin near the anus. This condition often develops as a result of infection in an anal gland, which leads to the formation of an abscess.
When the abscess fails to heal properly or recurs, a fistula may form as the body attempts to create a new pathway for the infected material to drain. Anal fistulas can vary in complexity, ranging from simple, single-channel fistulas to more complicated ones with branching tunnels.
Anal fistulas primarily occur due to infections or blockages in the anal glands. These infections can lead to the formation of an abscess, which may eventually develop into a fistula. While this is the most common cause, other factors may also contribute to the formation of anal fistulas, such as:
The symptoms of an anal fistula can vary depending on its severity and complexity. Common signs to look out for include:
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